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Saturday, April 18, 2009

The "Game" in Perspective

I've had the opportunity over the last few weeks to help the Wounded Warriors project at the Olney Golf Park in Olney, MD. PGA Pro Jim Estes heads up the project and several area professionals offer their expertise to those veterans who chose to participate in the weekly lessons.
As I watch the men and women (most of them amputees with various degrees of mobility) participating in the game of golf, it amazes me how easy it is to take certain liberties for granted. An example: the freedom to walk from place to place without the use of prosthetic support of any kind is something I don't think about. Yet some of these men and women have to deal with the loss of a limb (or limbs), disfigurement and limited mobility every minute of the day some of them for the rest of their lives. I might get a sore muscle or wake up a little tight after a workout, but with a little stretching I'm able to smooth the kinks out and I don't think much more of it.
So watching these veterans pick up a club in an effort to live their 'altered' lives with some enjoyment gives me a different perspective on what I believe to be limitations in my own life. We should all appreciate the freedoms we have; not only in the body, but also in our nation which are brought forth and brought to light by the lives of the soldiers of our armed forces. If you get the chance, thank a Vet today!!

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